is a compendium of spiritual, energetic and somatic mastery that invokes esoteric teachings, body wisdom, intuitive intelligence and divine service. It is an unveiling of ancient + modern practices that deepen into the profound intensity and intimacy of Energy Healing.

Upcoming trainings

  • TEMPLE CODES Facilitator Training Level 1

    Denmark - 21st - 26th of March

    Join us for Temple Code Facilitator Training, a gathering of etheric healing and divine discovery of pathways to wholeness, holiness and completeness.

  • TEMPLE CODES Facilitator Training Level 1


    Join us for Temple Code Facilitator Training, a gathering of etheric healing and divine discovery of pathways to wholeness, holiness and completeness.


Mission + Magick

Our Mission is to hold a sacred space for you to meet yourself like never before; to remember, reclaim and devote to the lineage of your divine self in the highest expression of embodiment.

Our Magick is an exploration of multidimensional realms through an awakening of ascension pathways as human, whole and holy.

TEMPLE CODES is not just a training, it is a living mystery school codex unlocking the source of energy consciousness of remembrance, embodiment and becoming.


Within our TEMPLE CODES container, we will support and hold sacred space for this intuitive intelligence to rise to the surface of your awareness and code a living blueprint into your unique & radiant life.

TEstimony & Praise